UROLOGY is a specialized medical and surgical branch that deals with the pathologies of the genito-urinary system, ie kidneys, ureters, bladder, prostate and external male genital organs.

The kidneys are responsible for producing urine. Urine is the liquid produced by the filtration of blood by the kidneys (two organs located in the lumbar region, classically described as “bean-shaped”), which purify it of toxic substances and metabolic waste (transformation of food into assimilable nutrients). Urine is then collected in the renal pelvis (or renal pelvis). From each renal pelvis starts the ureter, a tubular duct that has the function of merging the urine with the bladder (a hollow organ located in the pelvis). From here, the urine reaches the outside through a duct called urethra.
In humans, the initial tract of the urethra runs through the prostate (a gland located at the base of the bladder and whose secretions contribute to sperm formation).

Male people should perform a series of periodic checks, different depending on the patient’s age:

  • at birth, the neonatologist and the pediatrician should ascertain that the site of the testicles is in the scrotum and that the outlet of the meatus urethralesia normally on top of the glans and not in an abnormal position (hypospadias or epispadias);
  • at two years of age, an examination of the region between the groin and the scrotum, to detect hydrocele, hernia, testicles held high;
  • in pediatric age, due to urinary disorders related to this age;
  • between 8-10 years, in particular for varicocele, more frequent on the left testicle, which could create infertility problems;
  • between 16-20 years, due to a short frenulum, a deviated penis on its main axis (griposi) and for male genital anomalies;
  • between 20 and 30, to evaluate andrological disorders, such as premature ejaculation;
  • between 40 and 50, total and free prostate specific antigen control (PSA) in the blood, urological control of the prostate every 12 months, particularly if you have relatives with prostate cancer, a sign of a possible genetic predisposition.

The pathologies mainly dealt with by urology are:

  • prostate pathology
  • erection disorders
  • ejaculation disorders
  • testicular pathology
  • andrology in old age
  • morphological abnormalities of the penis / cosmetic surgery of the male genitals
  • gender disorders / transsexualism
  • infertility / infertility
  • urogenital infections
  • pathology of the kidneys
  • bladder pathology
  • urinary stones

At our Turin studio it will be possible to perform the following services and specialized treatments:

  • Specialist andrological visits for the diagnosis and treatment of all andrological diseases
  • Specialized urological examinations for the diagnosis and treatment of all urological diseases
  • Treatment of erectile dysfunction and plastic induratio penis La Peyronie’s disease (IPP)
  • Oncological and Reconstructive Surgery of Penile Tumors
  • Treatment of urethral strictures
  • Andrological treatment for Infertility of couple
  • Treatment of prostate hyperplasia
  • Uro-Andrological Diagnostics
  • Eco-color-power-doppler Basal and dynamic pen and scrotal
  • Transrectal ultrasound with targeted Eco-guided prostate biopsies
  • Treatment of high and low urinary stones
  • Extracorporeal lithotripsy for the treatment of kidney stones
  • Consultancy for Transplantation and Renal Explants
  • Abdominal and trans-rectal ultrasound scans
  • Ultrasound-guided transrectal prostate biopsies for prostate cancer diagnosis
  • Flexible cystoscopy for the diagnosis of bladder cancer and Urethral canal assessments
  • Andrological ecocolodoppler: Dynamic penises for the diagnosis of impotence and induratio penis plastica (penile plaques)
  • Scrotal or testicular ecocolodoppler for testicular and varicocele problems
  • Uroflowmetry for the diagnosis of obstructive prostate and urethral pathologies